Better Working Hours in Shift Work
The Implementation Process
Step 1 - Initial Meeting
The director of the institution/workplace meets with management.
Time: September 20 to October 10.
The director of the institution/workplace is responsible for informing management on better working hours in shift work and where to find materials to assist in the implementation. The project’s steering committee, along with each employer’s implementation group prepares educational material and offers workshops for staff and management. Preferably, the inaugural meeting should take place between September 20 and October 10, 2020.
Step 2 - Information Gathering & Analysis
Management analyzes operations and seeks education in the reform dialogue. Shift work staff will also study the project at
Time: October 1 to November 1
The goal of the analytical work is to highlight information on staffing criteria, shift organization and to assess operational needs. The project’s key indicators must be taken into account in the analytical work. It is also important that management and staff study the educational materials and that management attend workshops. In certain workplaces the working week has already been shortened and it is important that this is taken into account in the analytical work. The shortening agreed on in the collective agreements is not intended as an addition to a previous shortening, rather, a solution must be found that aims to adapt the shift system to the agreed upon changes.
Analytical Examples:
- Analysis of all shift types, e.g. general shifts, on-call shifts, required shifts and overtime shifts.
- Analysis of services and operational figures and key stress points.
- Analysis of the nature of jobs and the skills and abilities of the staff.
- Analyzing opportunities in working arrangement, procedure, collaboration and time management, e.g.:
- What changes must be made to the work arrangements and the composition of shifts in order to achieve goals?
- How can working hours be better utilized?
- Is it possible to simplify working methods with the help of technological innovations or clearer procedures?
- What kind of flexibility is needed alongside a shorter working week?
Step 3 - Dialogue on Reform
Reform dialogue in each institution/workplace.
Time: October 10 to November 15, 2020.
The director is responsible for conducting the reform dialogue. The goal of the reform dialogue is to analyze with staff the changes that need to be made in order for the change in working hours in shift work criteria to be met. Consultation with staff can be configured in different ways depending on circumstances. For the reform dialogue it is important to have data on operational needs and the services provided. It is also important to obtain staffs views on the changes that need to be made.
Reform Dialogue - Discussion Points for Dialogue in the Workplace
Below you will find examples of discussion points for dialogue between staff and management regarding procedures and work arrangements to prepare for the shortening of the working week in shift work.
Shift Organization and Staffing
- What is the current shift organization system and how does it conform with the operational needs?
- What time/hour in the day is more quiet than others?
- Where do opportunities lie for disparate staffing depending on days or periods?
- How is staffing fulfilled in published shift reports?
- How is the equality in distribution of shifts between staff?
- What opportunities are there to increase the flexibility of shifts?
- Where do opportunities lie for shifts of various lengths?
- How are the staff’s skills ensured?
Operations and Work Environment
- What opportunities are there in distributing tasks?
- How is the collaboration between staff, divisions and departments?
- How is job training structured and what are the opportunities in the training processes?
- How is the information flow?
- Is there peace and quiet in the workplace?
- How is morale?
- Where are the priorities and how is prioritization made clear?
- How is the staff guaranteed focus when needed?
Procedures and Responsibilities
- How is the area of responsibility defined?
- How clear are the job descriptions of all staff?
- Who has the authority to make decisions?
- Who is responsible for shifts when a manager is not present?
- How is equality in the distribution of projects ensured?
Waste in the Local Environment
- How can time be utilized better with more targeted workshops or education?
- How can tasks be handled better to prevent them from having to be reworked?
- How can repetition in work processes or working methods be reduced?
- How can we prepare in advance for seasonal fluctuations?
- How is necessary or useful information being recorded?
- What information is being recorded more than once?
- What information is being recorded into different systems?
- How can traveling time, relocation or movement of staff or supplies between places be reduced?
- How can video conferencing equipment be utilized better?
- How can time management be improved?
- How is information updated and made accessible?
- How do the information systems communicate?
- How is data collected and stored?
- What data is it not necessary to collect or store?
- How can the data search time be shortened?
Step 4 – Staff Offered an Increased Work Ratio
Part-time staff offered higher work ratio.
Time: November 1, 2020 to January 14, 2021
Part-time staff is expected to increase their work ratio equally to the shortening of the working week. On average that would be a 10-12% increase. Management must offer part-time staff an increase in work ratio equal to the shortening at the time of the implementation. Staff’s responses should be available no later than January 15, 2021. The increase in work ratio will be implemented as of the time the changes come into effect, May 1, 2021.
Step 5 – Evaluation of Staffing Criteria
Assessment of staffing criteria.
Time: November 1, 2020 to January 20, 2021
Prior to better working hours in shift work, part-time staff has the right to increase their work ratio equally to the shortening of the working week, as previously stated. When the percentage of staff intending to increase their work ratio is evident, the manager must assess the staffing criteria in their institution/workplace. If the assessment concludes that the cost of overtime is reduced and that a staffing gap will be filled, the staffing criteria is considered to be met. If however, part-time staff does not intend to increase their work ratio and it is foreseeable that the overtime costs will remain the same or increase, the staffing criteria is not considered to be met.
Step 6a – Staffing Criteria Is Met
Staffing criteria is considered to be met when staff has been given the opportunity to increase their work ratio starting from May 1, 2021 and overtime costs are expected to decrease and the staffing gap is filled.
Time: November 1 to January 14, 2021.
One of the goals of better working hours in shift work is that part-time staff increase their work ratio equally to the shortening of the working week at the time of implementation. Once the staffing gap has been filled, whether by increased work ratio for part-time staff, new hires or reform, and overtime is expected to decrease, the staffing criteria is considered to be met.
Step 7a – Shift reports Are Prepared
Once the staffing criteria is met and the cost estimate is available and is within budget, shift reports, which take into account better working hours in shift work, are prepared from May 1, 2021.
Time: February 10 to March 19, 2021.
Once the steering committee has reviewed the cost estimate with regards to the increased work ratio of part-time staff and the goals of the changes are expected to be achieved, management must prepare a shift report. The shift report must be published as a draft no later than six weeks before entry into force. It is vital that all shift organizers have attended workshops on the changes to the working hours and been trained in how to ensure that the operations of the institution/workplace are taken into account and that equality between staff is maintained.
Step 8a – Shift Reports Are Published
Shift Report Approved.
Time: Before April 2, 2021
The shift report must be approved and published no later than April 2, 2021, or four weeks prior to when the changes come into effect.
Step 9a – Changes to the Working Hours Come into Effect May 1, 2021
Changes to the working hours - Better working hours in shift work will take effect May 1, 2021
It is important that management monitors reform opportunities that present themselves with better working hours in shift work and regularly revise the composition of shifts in accordance with operational needs.
Step 6b - Staffing Criteria is Not Met
Staffing criteria is not in accordance with needs and cost estimate.
If part-time staff does not increase their work ratio and it is foreseeable that overtime costs will remain the same or increase and/or the staffing criteria is can not be met by additional staff to ensure security and quality of services, the staffing criteria is not considered to be met. In such cases management is advised to consult with their employer’s implementation group or the project management of the steering committee. If no solutions are found the manager/director must refer the issue to the steering committee for review.
Step 7b – Steering Committee Reviews the Issue
The steering committee will review the issue if, after management has consulted with the implementation group and/or the project management of the steering committee, it becomes clear that the goals of the changes in better working hours in shift work can not be met.
Step 8b – Steering Committee Suggests Changes
Steering committee suggests changes as needed. Those changes can be specific and temporary, specific or temporary or the conclusion may be that the changes in working hours for a particular group or groups need more time. Changes proposed by the steering committee must be reviewed cf. Step 5. Decisions regarding changes must be made no later than February 1, 2021.